Friday, April 22, 2011

RIP Elizabeth Sladen- our Sarah Jane

Fans think their idols will live forever. Want their idols to live forever. Sadly they never do.

Thank you for Sarah Jane. You will be missed but always remembered.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Dream of the Doctor’s Return

Sally Sparrow crumpled down in the window alcove, leaning her head against the stone wall, so weary that she could not think. Beneath her drooped eyelids, the flickering shadows coming from the fireplace danced like water. Then through her exhaustion she heard a rustling at the door and opened her eyes. There in the doorway, backlit by the fire's glow stood a man, tall and thin as a stick, his hands casually at rest in the pockets of his pants. Around him was draped a long brown coat that gathered around his odd shoes, nearly touching the floor.

Doctor, is it you? Have you come?


Note: A try at writing fan fiction around the character of Sally Sparrow circa '08.

Memories Of Doctor Who - The Stolen Earth

Putting any emotional attachment I have for Doctor Who aside for the moment -- and I do have plenty -- I thought The Stolen Earth viewed strictly as episodic television was massively spectacular and had me engaged on so many levels from the moment it appeared on my screen. How any fan of the show and that particular group of characters could watch and be left nonchalant is beyond me.

As to the cliffhanging moment we've all been dreading -- the exit of the 10th Doctor -- I have to say I wasn't expecting it and hope like everything the writers will have devised a satisfactory and believable way to keep this particular regeneration of the Time Lord alive.

Like Rose, I am very fond of the way this one looks.

After the show and after Confidential -- which by the way had RD saying he had no idea of the ending to Journey's End -- I cyber-sleuthed around the Interweb looking for some hint as to what might be going on behind the scenes and have to say the lot at the BBC have done a pretty good job keeping everything under wraps. There was, however, news of an article that was published in The Scotsman that's getting a lot of reproduction in other media outlets saying Tennant was offered a substantial amount of coin to remain with the show.

If the news of that offer is accurate, my guess then would be that RD wrote and the producers shot two separate endings, one for if Tennant opts not to accept a new contract, the other if he does.

Of course no one outside the inner circle knows for sure what the heck is happening, fans being at the bloody bottom of the list and the last to know anything, but hopefully -- I hope anyway -- the news means we'll be getting to keep our perfect 10 for a bit longer.

Note: I found my review of The Stolen Earth tucked away in a to-be-edited file.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

All are well and content in the peaceable kingdom.

A musing or two on a good Sunday morning in Oklahoma City.

I got an email from a friend in Paris, a British ex-pat who asked if I'd seen a show called The Good Wife. Yes, yes, yes I replied and went on to say how much I liked it and couldn't believe an American show is actually airing simultaneously in the UK. Typically it's one or the other, like Doctor Who which American fans see weeks after it's transmitted in the UK. I'm not complaining. Well, yes I am, but I remember the time not so long ago when the lag time was measured not in weeks, but months and years.

Horrible for a fan.

But back for a moment to The Good Wife. I was thrilled when they brought in a favorite actor from Scotch Land, Alan Cummings, into the fray speaking immaculate American and a Don't you dare screw with me attitude. What a talent.I love him.

O cats. The darling Rose is snoozing in my chair -- the proper chair -- leaving me the other chair to make do with. And Homer, ornery, adorable, mischievous Homer is asleep -- tail and paws hanging -- on the top shelf of the desk. The others I suspect are also snoozing in a place of their choosing.

Success as a subburban farmer arrived this year when my dream of growing glorious pumpkins was finally realized. Well, not so much pumpkin-s. More like pumpkin, singular, and surely nothing as truly fairy tale as the patch created for Hagred's garden in The Prisoner of Azkaban. Until this year, all my efforts to grow a crop of pumpkins movie set worthy proved fruitless. But no more as I have outside, growing by leaps and bounds, a beautiful dark green fruit the size of an over-inflated soccer ball that hopefully will ripen to deep orange for it's ultimate display on the front porch this Fall.

To complain on this beautiful day would be a sin.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Left My Heart In Paris

My relationship with the Eiffel Tower is pretty unambiguous. I really love the old thing. Before I'd written a word for this site, I had my profile shot, the one you see at the top of this page. I didn't take it, but I could have a million times over. It's been almost ten years since I've been to Paris but I can still see the tower up close, or hear her elevators clanking up and down whenever I close my eyes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Goodbye to Ten - The Doctor We Loved Too Much

If there is a 12 Step Recovery Program for surviving the loss of a favorite Doctor -- no, not the guy who hands out Z-Packs like candy -- the Doctor, THE Doctor -- then sign me up. I've already taken the first step and admitted I have a problem.

Like the Kennedy assasination and 9-11 (too soon?) I remember what I was doing that fateful day in the autumn of 2008 -- cyberstalking David Tennant on YouTube -- when I heard Tennant announce those terrible words: "When Doctor Who returns in 2010 it won't be with me."

Blimey. The bastard's leaving us.

Well, it had to happen sometime. Nothing that good -- especially in Television-Land -- lasts forever. Heck, if you get a decent show for 7 years, the minimum for syndication, you're doing pretty well.

Regeneration is an essential element in the Doctor Who narrative. All canon begins and ends with regeneration. But this time, with this Doctor, there was no sweetness in the sorrowful parting. With his final words, "I don't want to go," this Doctor said through his tears exactly what millions of blubbering fan girls and boys around the television watching planet were saying: We don't want you to go either.


So it's 2010. It's over. Under the full moon on New Years Day, the 10th regeneration of the last Time Lord of Gallifrey -- my Perfect Ten -- lost his life but will live on with a shorter jacket, a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What are the Tenth Doctor's last words?

What are the Tenth Doctor's last words?
Wednesday, November 18 2009, 1:00am EST

By Ben Rawson-Jones, Cult Editor

The Tenth Doctor's wildly popular stint in the Tardis is almost at an end. The moment has been prepared for, with Whovians already stocking up on tissues in preparation for a very emotional Christmas in front of the telly. But what will the Time Lord's final words be? Russell T. Davies has suggested that the last letter he wrote for the character is 'n', so on that basis here is some random speculation on what might be said just before David Tennant bids adieu…

"Ood Sigma - you could have warned me that my 'song' was 'Barbie Girl' by Aqua. Where's the shotgun?"
*The Doctor 'does an Adelaide'*

"Martha, when you told me you had crabs I thought you were talking about some kind of sexual infection..."
*Martha morphs into a Macra and devours The Doctor*

"Mustn't blink. The Weeping Angels are closing in. (Sniffles) Damn, why do Time Lords suffer from hayfever too? I suppose it is summertime on Gallifrey. Has anyone got any Triludan?"
*Involuntarily shuts eyes as he goes to sneeze and is killed by Weeping Angel*

"Allons-y Alonso! My time is almost up, but what a fantastic time it's been. New beginnings await. Just do one last thing for me Donna Noble - destroy every tweed suit and bow tie you can find in the Tardis. Now! I don't want my next incarnation to look like a moron…"

"Mickey Smith, I'll never forgive you for being eaten by that rubbish bin..."
*The Doctor suffers double cardiac arrest from laughing too much*

(After watching Donna unzip her forehead and advance towards him menacingly)
"I thought all that gas was down to HRT. All this time - you were a Slitheen..."

"Jackie Tyler, I can no longer hide my true feelings for you. Do you want to have the ride of a lifetime? Go on, go on, go on!"
*Doctor suffers massive internal damage and regenerates after Jackie whacks him with her handbag*

"I never did manage to visit Barcelona after all. Thanks to Ken Livingstone and his Freedom Pass I spent most of this regeneration stuck in bloody London!"
*Snuffs it*

(A trip to Gallifrey to meet the revived Time Lord race yields a strange encounter)
"It can't be. I thought this device was only the stuff of legend. No Rassilon, no. Not the mind probe! Nooooooo! Noooooo! Nnnn..."

(Following a member of the Sycorax chopping his left hand off)
"This other hand - this is my fighting hand!"
*Sycorax chops off his other hand*
*Regenerates, regrows limbs and reaps revenge*

(To Sarah Jane Smith, as he lies dying)
"Promise to shoot me between the eyes if I have the same taste in clothes as my sixth incarnation..."

(After going for a curry to celebrate saving the universe from The Master)
"Hmmm. Something didn't taste right about that keema naan..."
*Starts convulsing. Perishes from food poisoning*